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Consider using these shorter, simpler alternatives to bureaucratic, overstated and pompous words. Note that several simple words may be clearer than a single long word. Sorry about the green background in the table! Something went wrong in the HTML coding.

Instead of ...

Change to or try ...

access (as a verb) get, reach
accommodate fit, hold, adapt, house, adjust, help, grant, allow
accommodation, accommodations home, house, room, homes, houses, rooms
accompany, accompanying go with, escort, with, attend, belong to
accomplish do, achieve, perform, succeed, carry out
accordingly so
acquire get, buy, win, gain, earn, pick up
additionally and, also
(an) additional more, added, other, extra, another
adequate (number of) enough, satisfactory, acceptable
adjust, adjustment change
advise tell, recommend
afford give
alter, alteration change
alternative other
ameliorate make better, improve
analogous similar
anticipate expect
append attach, add
apprise tell, advise
appropriate (as an adjective) proper, right, fitting, suitable, apt, correct
(for) approximately about, roughly, almost, around, close to, nearly, or so
ascertain check, be sure, find out, discover, learn
assist; assistance help, aid, back, relieve; help, aid, backing, support, relief
attain reach, succeed, meet, gain, get, win, arrive at, grasp
attempt (as a verb) try, take on
attired dressed, dressed, clothed
augment increase, make larger
basically Delete or use mainly, most, mostly, chiefly, largely
biannually twice a year
bimonthly , biweekly every two months, every other month; every two weeks, every other week

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category group
cease end, stop, finish
cognizant aware, knowing
commence begin, start, open
commencement beginning, start
communicate write, talk
compensation pay, payment
complete finish
component, components part, parts, ingredient, item, unit
comprise consist of, contain
conceal hide, cloak, cover, disguise, mask, shelter, veil
concept idea
concerning about, on, for, as for, in, of, over, to, toward, with
consequence result, effect, outcome, importance, note, weight
consequently so, thus
consolidate combine, join
constitute make up, be, compose, form, set up, frame
construct build, make, erect, set up, compose, form, frame, model
container bottle, jar, package
cooperate help
currently now, today, (just) yet or delete
customary usual, ordinary, normal, routine, regular
deem consider, think, treat as, believe, judge, view
delete cut, drop
demise death
demonstrate show, prove, display, explain, teach, march
denote show, say, mark, note, mean, stand for
depart leave, go
designate appoint, set, name, label, choose, earmark, show
desire need, want, wish
desist stop, suspend, end, give up
detain hold
determine figure out, learn, find out, fit, decide, settle, end, control, fix, discover
diminutive small, tiny, little
disseminate send out, spread, scatter
donate give, grant, present
duplicate (as a verb) copy, double, repeal, multiply

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effectuate carry out, bring about, achieve, realize, cause
e.g. (exempli gratia) for example
eliminate cut, drop, end, get rid of, remove, erase, expel, cancel, cut out
employ (an instrument or tool) use
encounter (as a verb) meet, run into, face
endeavor (as a verb) try, carry out
enumerate list, name, count, number
et al. (et alibi, et alii) and others, and elsewhere
etc. (et cetera) and others, and the like, and the rest
evince show, reveal
expedite hasten, speed up, hurry
expend spend, use, pay
expenditure expense, cost, spending, outlay, charge, payment
expiration end, close, finish, death
facilitate help, ease, make easy, make easier, simplify, promote
facility base, building, factory, laboratory, office, plant, warehouse (be specific or omit)
factor part, fact, feature, condition, circumstances, reason, cause (be specific or omit)
feasible possible, probable, likely
feedback comments, response, opinions
finalize finish, end, complete, settle, wrap up
following (as a preposition) after
formulate devise, develop, form, make, work out, draw up, draft, frame, create, express, plan
forward (as a verb) send
fundamental basic
furnish give, send, provide, supply, equip
hence so, from now, from here
henceforth from now on, from now
hereafter; herein, herewith; heretofore from now on or later for hereafter; here is (are), with this or in this for herein and herewith; up to now, earlier, before or until now for heretofore
hosted gave, is host to, entertained

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i.e. (id est) that is
impact (as a verb) affect, influence
implement carry out, achieve, do, follow, fulfill, make, produce, put in place, put into use, realize, set, set up, complete, impose (as a verb); tool, instrument (as a noun)
inception beginning, start, birth
incombustible fireproof
indicate say, show, suggest, feel, hint, mention, point at, tell, mark, signal, point out, point to, read
indication sign, signal, mark, hint, suggestion
individual, individuals person, people, man, men, woman, women, anyone, everyone, someone
inform tell
initiate begin, introduce, open, start, cause, launch, set up, introduce, admit
input, output, throughput information; input: advice, clout, comments, effort, ideas, opinions, thoughts, views; output: work, product, byproduct, result; throughput: material
inquire (about) ask
institute (as a verb) begin, start, set up, introduce, create, found
interface interact, meet, collaborate, work together, link,contact
locality, location area, city, district, locale, place, point, site, spot, town, zone, neighborhood
magnitude size, extent, importance, greatness
manner way
materialize appear, develop, happen, occur, turn up, come about
maximum most, largest, greatest
methodology methods, principles, procedure
minuscule tiny
mitigate moderate, ease, soften, relieve, reduce
modify, modifications change, vary, adapt, adjust; changes, variations, adjustments
monies, moneys funds, money, cash
moreover besides, also
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necessitate require, demand, exact, must, need, force, compel, make, call, call for
necessity need
nevertheless anyhow, but, even so, however, still, yet
notification notice, warning, advice, announcement
despite, although, even if, however
numerous many, countless, endless, several, untold (or be more specific)
objective aim, goal
obligated bound, compelled
obligation debt, duty, bond, contract, tie, favor
observe see, watch, note, view, follow, keep, obey, remark
obtain get, earn, gain, buy, exist, hold, stand
obviate avoid
ongoing continuing, under way, active, constant, advancing, current, growing, endless, lasting
operate use, work, run, perform, act, go, handle, manage, cause, keep
operational active, live, running, working
optimal, optimum best, ideal, model, greatest, most, peak
orientate orient
overall total, complete, general
paradigm pattern, example, model
parameter limit, boundary, guideline, extent, perimeter--or properties, conditions, characteristics, feature
permit let, allow
peruse read with care, review, study, examine, inspect
place (as a verb) put
portion part
possess have, own, control, hold, take, take over
possibility chance
preplan, preplanning plan, planning
present (as a verb) give, introduce, show
presently in a little while, in a short time, shortly, soon
preserve keep
preventative preventive
previous earlier
previously before, earlier
principal main, chief
prior earlier
prioritize arrange, list, order, rank, rate, set priorities
proceed go, go ahead, continue, go on, move, run, walk, advance
procure get, buy, gain, win, find
provide (with) give
purchase (as a verb) buy

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receive accept, get
regard, regarding about, on, for, as for, in, of, over, to, toward, with
relate (to) say, show, tell
remain stay
remainder rest, remains, excess, surplus, balance
remove take away, haul away
remunerate pay
render make, give, deliver, hand over, present, send in, pay, show
reoccur recur
represents is
reproduce copy
request (as a verb) ask, seek, question
reside live, stay, remain
residences homes, houses, addresses
retain keep, hold, save
secure get
select choose, pick
semiannually twice a year
shall will, must
solely only
state say
strategize plan
subsequently later, afterward, then, after, next, since
subsequent (to) later, after, afterward, next, since, then, following, resulting
substantiate back up, confirm, prove, support, verify
summon send for, call, call up, call on
supplement add to

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terminate end, stop, cancel, finish, fire, halt, close, wind up, limit
therefore so, then, thus
thus so
transmit send, broadcast, relay, transfer, pass on, bear, carry
transpire happen, occur, take place, leak out
ultimate last, final, crowning, perfect, supreme, eventual
upon on
utilize use
use up use
virtually almost
vis-a-vis about, compared with, opposite
whether if

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Maintained by Gary B. Larson of Port Townsend, Washington,

June 9, 2008.