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Redundant Phrases
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Consider using these simpler, concise alternatives to verbose, sometimes amusing redundant phrases.

Instead of ...

Change to or try ...

absolutely complete complete
absolutely essential, absolutely indispensable essential, indispensable
actual experience, past experience experience
added bonus bonus
advance planning, advance notice, advance warning planning, notice, warning
advance reservations reservations
already exist drop already
and also use either and or also but not both
are in receipt of have, have received
arrived at the conclusion concluded
ask the question ask
assembled together assembled
at about about or at
ATM machine ATM
at the earliest possible date , soon, as soon as possible (or be specific)
(refer, repay, return, revert) back drop back
basic fundamental basic, fundamental
big in size big
brief in duration brief

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Words | Phrases | Redundancies

cancel out cancel
capital city, Capitol building capital, Capitol
clearly evident evident, obvious
close proximity near, close
(blue, green, red ...) in color blue, green, red ...
completely demolished, completely destroyed demolished, destroyed
completely opposite opposite
completely surrounded surrounded
complete monopoly monopoly
consensus of opinion, general consensus consensus
continue on continue
contributing factor factor, reason, cause
controversial issue issue
cooperate together cooperate (or replace with simpler help)
costs a total of, costs the sum of costs
current status status
doctorate degree doctorate

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Words | Phrases | Redundancies

each and every each or every (not both)
enclosed herewith please find, enclosed herein enclosed is, I enclose, here is, here are
end product, end result product, result
estimated at about estimated at or about
exactly identical identical
excess verbiage verbiage
few in number few
filled to capacity filled
final completion, final conclusion, final outcome, final result completion, conclusion, outcome, result
first and foremost first
first began (created, introduced, invented) began (created, introduced, invented)
follow after after
foot pedal pedal
foreign imports imports
forward progress progress
free gift free or gift
future plans plans
general consensus consensus
general public public, citizens
group together group
HIV virus HIV
honest truth truth
hot-water heater water heater

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Words | Phrases | Redundancies

if and when either if or when
I wish to take this opportunity to thank you thank you
join together, link together join, link
large in size large
made out of Drop out
may possibly, might possibly Drop possibly
month of January, month of June ... January, June ...
more and more often
mutual (agreement, communication, cooperation, friendship, understanding) Drop mutual

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Words | Phrases | Redundancies

necessary (prerequisite, requirement, requisite) Drop necessary, use only necessary, or use needed or essential instead
new breakthrough breakthrough
new development development
none at all none
old (adage, cliche, maxim, proverb, relic, saying) drop old
over and over again, repeatedly
overexaggerate exaggerate
passing (craze, fad, fancy, phase) Drop passing
past (previous, prior) history (accomplishment, experience, performance, practice, precedent, record) Drop past, previous or prior
period of time either period or time
personally responsible responsible
PIN number PIN
point in time either now or today
postpone until later postpone
potentially dangerous, potentially hazardous dangerous, hazardous, unsafe
present incumbent incumbent

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Words | Phrases | Redundancies

rate of speed speed
(all-time, new) record (high) Drop all-time, new, high
repeat again repeat
(the) reason is because (the) reason is or because
round in shape round
safe haven haven
same identical same
separate apart separate
sharing the same ... substitute using for sharing or drop same
small in size small
smooth to the touch smooth
square in shape square
starve to death starve
still remain(s) remain(s)
storm event storm
sum total total

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Words | Phrases | Redundancies

tall in height, tall of stature tall
temporary loan loan
time reprieve reprieve
time period time, period
totally demolished, totally destroyed demolished, destroyed
(combine, group, join, link, unite) together (with) drop together
total number number
true fact fact, truth
12 noon, 12 midnight noon, midnight
unite together unite
unless or until either unless or until
(ascend, climb, hoist, lift) up up
usual custom, usual habit custom, habit
visible to the eye visible
warn in advance warn
weather conditions weather, climate
while at the same time either while or at the same time

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Maintained by Gary B. Larson of Port Townsend, Washington,

June 9, 2008.