Do you have writing questions about abbreviations, addresses, capitalization, English grammar, internet
terminology, numbers, plurals, possessives, punctuation, spelling and word usage?
If so, Garbl’s Editorial Style and Usage Manualcan help you be clear, concise, correct
and consistent in your use of the written word. This free style guide also provides clear alternatives to long, pompous or
bureaucratic words and phrases. Use this manual for help in writing articles, books, brochures, correspondence, essays,
flyers, newsletters, reports, webpages, and other documents.
Garbl’s Editorial Style and Usage Manual mostly follows Associated Press style but also follows the
advice of other excellent books on writing--and my selection and interpretation of their guidelines. This
guide focuses on U.S. standards for spelling, punctuation, definitions, usage, style and grammar.
As I continue enjoying my retirement, I don’t update my style and usage guide as often as I used to with
new, revised or improved entries. But if you have comments or suggestions about my guide, please contact me
at This manual has grown and changed from print and online versions that talented colleagues and I
developed in the 1980s, ’90s and early 2000s while working in Seattle/King County, Washington-- Gary B. Larson, Port Townsend, Washington.
Using this writing style guide
Style manual entries are in alphabetical order. In the navigation bars on each page, click on the letter that
begins the word or phrase you have questions about. You’ll be sent to the section you want:
A| B| C| D|
E| F G| H|
I J| K L| M| N O|
P| Q R| S|
T U| V W X Y Z
Many terms are cross-referenced and hyperlinked. Click on the highlighted text to view cross-referenced terms.
You’ll find hyperlinked cross-references under these topics and others: abbreviations and acronyms, addresses, capitalization, myths of writing, numbers, plurals, possessives, punctuation, spellingand World Wide Web .
Pages are organized A , B, C, D , E , F through G , H , I through J , K through L ,
M , N through O , P , Q through R , S , T through U and V through Z .