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PLEASE NOTE: I am happily retired in Port Townsend, Washington. I have deactivated Garbl's Writing Resources and am no longer adding, revising, or updating writing resources in this section or any other section.. But please continue to visit and use my free Editorial Style and Usage Manual, Consise Writing Guide and Plain English Writing Guide. I update their content occasionally.

Garbl's Creativity Resources Online is a annotated directory of websites that provide advice for increasing creativity and innovation in your writing, in your personal life, on the job, in school, in the arts and elsewhere. Many of the sites have links to other resources on creativity.

Garbl's Editorial Style Manual--About create, creative, creativity, creation.

"It is not the critic who counts ..."--Theodore Roosevelt, University of Paris, Sorbonne, April 23, 1910
An inspiring message for aspiring writers, experienced writers and everyone who strives valiantly in the arena.

"Some men see things as they are and say why. I dream things that never were and say why not"--Robert F. Kennedy, 1925-1968, paraphrasing playwright George Bernard Shaw.

bullet BatMemes--Grasshopper Enterprises

Unique transmutation of the written word using Oulipo, Strange Attractors, Ogham Numerology and Arcane Formulae. Shape and morph meanings with rhymes, psycholinguistics, DNA lattices and spatial distortions across linguistic terrains uncharted by the human mind. Free download; full-featured version costs about $15.

bullet webzine that explores the limits of human potential, performance, intelligence and health

Includes brain-bending puzzles, intelligence tests, opinion and advice columns on self improvement, product reviews and discussion forums.

bullet Creative Problem-Solving Techniques--Win Wenger, Ph.D., Project Renaissance, Gaithersburg, Maryland

Techniques to unleash the powers of your mind, using procedures like image-streaming, high thinktank, gravel gulch and beachhead.

bullet The Creative Teaching Web Site--Robert E. Morgan, director of the Computer, Space Science, Simulation and Faculty Technology Training Center at University School, Shaker Heights, Ohio

Articles, ideas and information to help develop creative teaching and professional enthusiasm for teaching.

bullet Creativity and Attention Deficit Disorder--Teresa Gallagher, "mother of two wonderfully spirited children, an environmental consultant and a web designer"

Several articles that link attention deficit disorder traits to creativity.

bullet Creativity in Science and Engineering--Ronald B. Standler, Ph.D., Concord, New Hampshire, attorney and former professor of electrical engineering

This essay first examines personality traits associated with unusual creativity and innovation, then criticizes management and educational techniques that penalize or discourage creativity.

bullet The Creativity Portal--"The CP is maintained by creativity enthusiasts who value the free exchange of information on the Internet."

This site promotes the exploration and expression of personal creativity through arts, crafts, music and writing with free resources on instruction, tutorials and projects.

bullet The Creativity Site--Yew Kam Keong, Ph.D. (YKK), president/chief executive office, Mindbloom, Malaysia

A comprehensive resource on creativity with free tips, techniques and tools to inspire your creativity.

bullet Directed Creativity Toolkit--Paul E. Plsek, engineer and consultant on quality management, Roswell, Georgia

A wide-ranging catalog of practical methods for creative thinking and innovation in business--emphasizing the three phases of directed creativity: preparation, imagination and development.

bullet Enchanted Mind--J.L. Read, McKenna, Washington

This site combines humor, inspiration, simple exercises and special techniques to enhance creativity and create mental flexibility.

bullet JVD Creativity Articles--Jean V. Dickson, JVD Creativity Consulting, Kingston, New Brunswick, Canada

Dickson writes about how we can use creativity to connect with better ideas and a more productive workplace, as well as exploring just what creativity is and isn't.

bullet Wagenheim, founder and CEO, Pennsylvania

An online community for creative writers. Free memberships include an online portfolio, email services, writing tools and networking opportunities. Paid memberships available for more services.

* It's OK to make mistakes. That's why pencils have erasers.

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Created by Gary B. Larson of Port Townsend, Washington,

Updated March 5, 2016.