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Garbl's Writing Center


About Me,
Gary B. Larson

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A selective chronological listing of What's New in the growth and development of Garbl's Writing Center, Garbl's Editorial Style and Usage Manual, Garbl's Plain English Writing Guide, Garbl's Concise Writing Guide, and Garbl's Writing Resources Online. New or updated entries in the style manual are not noted here or elsewhere in Garbl's Writing Center.

line Entire website migrated to a new location with a new domain name,; updates underway--November 2021.
line Garbl's Writing Resources Online and Garbl's Favorite Fiction Writers deactivated. Linked resources in all sections no longer being updated--April 16, 2019.
line Entire website reinstalled on server of new internet service provider, Wave Broadband--Feb. 4, 2016.
line Entire website went down when Comcast terminated personal website service--October 2015.
line General updating of website entry pages--Feb. 1-2, 2015.
line Launched blog, UnGarbl'd Thoughts--April 10, 2012; infrequent blog postings since July 2013.
line New links to new Garbl's Plain English Writing Guide--Jan. 27, 2012.
line Launched Gary's Good Cause Communications, offering fee-based writing and editing services of Gary B. Larson. Originally named Garbl's Pencil--April 23, 2011. Deactivated Feb. 1, 2015.
line Updated all the links in Garbl's Writing Resources Online--July 20, 2010.
line Finally added new links in Favorite Fiction Writers to Auster's Oracle Night; Banks' The Darling; Guterson's Our Lady of the Forest; Hassler's North of Hope and Dear James; O'Brien's July, July; Roth's American Pastoral and The Human Stain; and Sandlin's Honey Don't--Oct. 2, 2005.
line New link in Writing Bookshelf to Words into Type--June 12, 2005.
line New links in Writing Bookshelf to Dictionary of Disagreeable English, Bryson's Dictionary of Troublesome Words, Common Errors in English Usage, The Elephants of Style and Oxford American College Dictionary--June 5, 2005.
line New links in Writing Process to Editing that Works and Forms that Work and in Creativity Resources to 21, 2005
line New book links in Plain Language to Gowers' Complete Plain Words, Garner's Legal Writing in Plain Language, Wydick's Plain Language for Lawyers, Baldwin's Plain Language and the Language Revolution and Mowatt's Plain Language and the Language Revolution--April 16, 2005.
line New link in Plain Language to How to Write Well--Feb. 14, 2004
line Garbl's Myths and Superstitions of Writing added--Dec. 27, 2003.
line New links in Grammar Guides to Grammar Grabbers and Writing English and in Plain Language to articles on writing in plain language--Dec. 26, 2003.
line Entire website moved from defunct ATT Broadband internet to new addresses at 30, 2003.
line New links in Writing Bookshelf to The Complete Plain Words, Write Tight and Edit Yourself--June 22, 2003.
line New links in Favorite Authors to Empire Falls and Dance, Dance, Dance: A Novel--March 12, 2003.
line Garbl's Links Against Iraq War added--Jan. 13, 2003. Retitled Garbl's Links for Peace and Justice, April 23, 2003. Inactive; see Writing Center home page instead.
line New links in Action Writing to Influencing Legislation by Writing Letters and Letters to the Editor--Dec. 27, 2002.
line New link in Style and Usage | Style Manuals to AP Stylebook Online--Dec. 19, 2002.
line New links in Writing Bookshelf to Garner's Dictionary of Modern American Usage and Gregg Reference Manual--Nov. 26, 2002.
line New links in Grammar Guides to EnglishClub English Grammar and The Online English Grammar--Nov. 17, 2002.
line New link in Style and Usage to College and university online style guides--Aug. 17, 2002.
line New links in Favorite Authors to Nick Hornby and About a Boy, High Fidelity and How to be Good--July 20, 2002.
line New links in Favorite Authors to Sputnik Sweetheart and The Fourth Hand--July 7, 2002.
line New links in Style and Usage to AAA Style Guide, Carnegie Mellon Style Guide, CU-Boulder Style Guide and U.S. Government Printing Office Style Manual--June 28, 2002.
line New links in Action Writing to and in Word Links | Spelling to Free Spelling Course--June 23, 2002.
line Avoiding Bias section added in Style and Usage--June 8, 2002.
line New link in Word Links to Banned Word List, Cobuild Wordwatch and New Worlds in English--May 19, 2002.
line New links in Style and Usage to WebStyle Guide--April 29, 2002.
line New links in Creativity Resources to The Creativity Portal, in Words | Spelling Spelling it Write and in Word Play to fun-with-words and Word Play--April 28, 2002.
line New links in Creativity to BatMemes and in Plain Language to Capsal Clear Writing--April 25, 2002.
line New link in Reference Sources to KnowPlay?--April 15, 2002.
line New links in Plain Language to Stylewriter, Word Dog Plain English Editor and Plain Language Commission--April 7, 2002.
line New link in Writing Bookshelf to Write Right!--March 30, 2002.
line New link in Writing Bookshelf to Web Word Wizardry--Feb. 28, 2002.
line New link in Plain Language to David Elliott on Plain Language--Feb. 10, 2002.
line New links in Style and Usage to English Style Guide, Plain Language to From plain English to global English and How to write clearly, and Word Play to The Gobbledygook Generator--Jan. 26, 2002.
line New links in Writing Process to Introduction to the Writing Process, Process Writing and The Writing Process--Jan. 25, 2002.
line New links in Fat-Free Writing Links to Fat Free Writing and in Action Writing to Writing a Letter to the Editor is Easier Than You Think, Writing Letters to the Editor and Writing Letters to the Editor (or 1000 Words on How to Write 200)--Jan. 24, 2002.
line New links in Plain Language to Clear Language and Design and Impact Information Plain Language Services, and in Reference Sources to 5, 2002.
line Lists 2001 page added--Jan. 2, 2002 (deactivated January 2005).
line Migrated entire website from defunct Excite@Home location to new location at AT&T Broadband internet--Dec. 10, 2001.
line Extensive revision in appearance and navigation tools for entire Garbl's Writing Center. Also added category-related links to various pages--Nov. 10, 2001.
line This What's New! page added to home pages for Garbl's Editorial Style and Usage Manual and Garbl's Writing Center--Oct. 13, 2001.
line Garbl's Writing Center added, new home page for all of Garbl's writing pages. Also added to Writing Resources page--July 21, 2001.
line New link in Favorite Fiction Writers to Hard-Boiled Wonderland and the End of the World by Haruki Murakami--July 8, 2001.
line New links in Style and Usage to Band-Aid Stylebook and in Plain Language to Brushing Up on Fundamentals, Cheryl Stephens on Plain Language, and Dictionary of Plain Language (also in Fat-Free Writing)--May 19, 2001.
line New links in Action Writing to How Users Read the Web, Thoughts in progress on writing for the Web, We Can Learn from Newspapers and Writing for the Web--May 14, 2001.
line New links in Action Writing to Electronic Documents Should be Top-heavy, The Inverted Pyramid and The Summary Lead, The Mystery of the Inverted Pyramid, State your conclusions first ..., Web Writing for Many Interest Levels and Writing and editing for the Web--May 13, 2001.
line New links in Favorite Fiction Writers to Norwegian Wood, A Wild Sheep Chase and South of the Border, West of the Sun by Haruki Murakami--May 8, 2001.
line New links in Writing Bookshelf to Elements of Business Writing, E-Writing, New York Times Manual of Style and Usage, Plain English Approach to Business Writing, Rewrite Write and Sleeping Dogs Don't Lay--April 16, 2001.
line New link in Action Writing to Advanced Press Release-ology--Jan. 13, 2001.
line Lists 2000 page added--Jan. 7, 2001. Deactivated January 2005.
line New links in Writing Bookshelf to Business Writing for Dummies, The Copyeditor's Handbook, New York Public Library's Guide to Style and Usage, and Word Court--Nov. 24, 2000.
line New link in Reference Sources to MLA Style and in Words | Spelling to Absolutely Ridiculous English Spelling--Nov. 18, 2000.
line Garbl's Fat-Free-Writing Links page added--Nov. 12, 2000.
line New link in Creativity to The Creative Teaching Web Site and in Grammar Guides to Sentence Sense--Oct. 27, 2000.
line New link in Words to The Perfectibility of Words--Oct. 1, 2000.
line New link in Grammar Guides to English Grammar 101--Aug. 10, 2000.
line New links to new Garbl's Editorial Style Manual--Aug. 5, 2000.
line New links in Writing Bookshelf to Advice to Writers and Lapsing Into a Comma--July 31, 2000.
line Garbl's Writing Responses page added in Online Writing Experts--July 9, 2000 (now inactive).
line New links in Style and Usage to Dave's Official Guide to Grammar, Style & Word Usury, Editor's Style Guide and An Overview of Language Mechanics--July 8, 2000.
line New listing in Favorite Fiction Writers, Simon's Night by Jon Hassler--July 2, 2000.
line New links in Reference Sources and Lines to Writing Resources in Print through 27, 2000.
line New links in Creativity, Grammar Guides and Words to Writing Resources in Print through 26, 2000.
line New link in Plain Language to Frequently Asked Questions about plain English and clear writing--June 6, 2000.
line New link in Grammar Guides to Science Fiction English Grammar--May 30, 2000.
line Pico Search tool added to Home Page--May 29, 2000.
line New links in Words to Word the Day and in Writing Bookshelf to A Kick in the Seat of the Pants, A Whack on the Side of the Head and What a Great Idea!--May 29, 2000.
line Creativity Resources page added--May 28, 2000.
line New link in Words to Hot Rod Your Vocabulary--May 27, 2000.
line New link in Grammar Guides to Traditional Grammar: An Interactive Book--May 21, 2000.
line New links in Action Writing to How to write your congressperson and Letter to the editor--May 20, 2000.
line Good Writing is a Gift added to Home Page--May 13, 2000.
line New link in Writing Bookshelf to Just Commas--April 29, 2000.
line New link in Writing Bookshelf to Words Fail Me: What Everyone Who Writes Should Know About Writing--April 23, 2000.
line New links in Reference Sources to A Scribe's Guide and Editors' and Writers' Toolkit--April 6, 2000.
line New links in Style and Usage to The American Heritage Book of English Usage and in Reference Sources to Roget's II: The New Thesaurus--March 30, 2000.
line New links in Words to Origin of Phrases and Daily Vocabulary Mailings--March 25, 2000.
line New link in Words to The Nautical Origins of Some Common Expressions--March 23, 2000.
line New links in Reference Sources to How to prepare bibliographic citations and in Action Writing to Persuasive Letters and Strategies for Writing Persuasive Letters--March 19, 2000.
line New links in Grammar Guides to English lessons and tests and in Words to The Online Slang Dictionary--March 18, 2000.
line New links in Writing Process to How to Improve Your Writing Without Writing a Word and How to Combat Writer's Block--March 15, 2000.
line New link in Grammar Guides to Guides for the Grammatically Perplexed--March 13, 2000.
line New link in Style and Usage to A Handbook of Rhetorical Devices--March 9, 2000.
line Writer's Block section added in Writing Process--March 2, 2000.
line New link in Action Writing to Inverted pyramid format--Feb. 27, 2000.
line New link in Grammar Guides to 26, 2000.
line Vocabulary section added in Words--Feb. 25, 2000.
line New link in Words to World Wide Words--Feb. 22, 2000.
line New links in Plain Language to In Plain English and to Purdue University's Parts of Speech in Grammar, Sentences in Style and Usage, and Spelling in Words--Feb. 19, 2000.
line Spelling section added in Words with new links to Everyday Spelling,  How can I help my child with spelling?,  Spelling Activities and SpellWeb--Feb. 13, 2000.
line Punctuation section added in Grammar Guides and Richard Russo added to Favorite Writers--Feb. 12, 2000.
line New links in Writing Process to Practical Writing and in Style and Usage to Gender-Free Legal Writing--Feb. 5, 2000.
line New links in Lists '99 to The Cider House Rules and The Hurricane--Feb. 2, 2000.
line New links in Reference Sources to GuruNet and in Word Play to My Favourite 50 Steven Wright Quotes and Self-reference--Jan. 31, 2000.
line Writing Forum page added--Jan. 30, 2000 (now inactive).
line New link in Words to Standard English words [that] have a Scandinavian Etymology--Jan. 23, 2000.
line New links to Garbl's The Near Side--Jan. 17, 2000 (now inactive).
line New links in References Sources to and Online Rhyming Dictionary, and in Lists '99 to Liberty Heights and Snow Falling on Cedars--Jan. 16, 2000.
line New links in Reference Sources to OneLook Dictionaries and in Word Play to 15, 2000.
line Lists '99 page added--Jan. 8, 2000 (deactivated January 2005).
line New links in Words to Avoiding Insensitive and Offensive Language and in Writing Resources Bookshelf to Out of the Loud Hound of Darkness and Torn Wings and Faux Pas--Jan. 7, 2000.
line New link in Grammar Guides to A Functional Guide to Some Problems of English Punctuation--Dec. 21, 1999.
line Writing Process page added--Nov. 26, 1999.
line New link in Online Writing Experts to Garbl's Grammar Grappler--Nov. 21, 1999.
line Lines: A Selection of Poetry page added--Nov. 17, 1999.
line New link in Style and Usage to Technical Writing--Nov. 13, 1999.
line New listing in Favorite Fiction Writers, Northern Lights by Tim O'Brien--Nov. 12, 1999.
line New link in Word Play to The Enigma Device--Oct. 30, 1999.
line Garbl's Writing Resources moves to a new location on the @Home Network--Oct. 26, 1999.
line New links in Style and Usage to Online Technical Writing: Power-Revision Techniques, in Action Writing to General Guidelines on Writing Letters to Politicians and in Favorite Writers to Tomcat in Love--Oct. 17, 1999.
line New links in Style and Usage to Conan the Grammarian and in Words to Earliest Known Uses of Some Words of Mathematics--Oct. 12, 1999.
line New link in Words to Word Safari--Oct. 11, 1999.
line New links in Grammar Guides to English Zone Grammar, Loft Grammar and Style Pages, Improving Your Grammar and Writing Exercises for Engineers and Scientists--Sept. 27, 1999.
line New links in Style and Usage to Army Writing Style, Improving Your Style, SPE Publications Style Guide, Style and the Use of Language, The Economist Style Guide, CSU Publication Style Guide and Writing Right--Sept. 25, 1999.
line New link in Action Writing to Harley Hahn's The Secret of My Success--Sept. 23, 1999.
line New links in Grammar Guides to Good Grammar, Good Style and in Plain Language to Plain Language Service--Sept. 14, 1999.
line New link in Word Play to Malapropisms--Sept. 10, 1999.
line New link in Style and Usage to Guidelines for Reporting and Writing about People with Disabilities--Sept. 7, 1999.
line New links in Style and Usage to News Watch Style Guide and in Action Writing to How to Write Effective TextPersuasion and  Writing with Impact--Sept. 5, 1999.
line New links in Action Writing to Basics of news writing and News-Writing Style, in Words to WWLib Notes on American English and in Word Play to Ann Owed to The Spelling Checker--Aug. 29, 1999.
line New links in Grammar Guides to Pop-Up Grammar and in Style and Usage to The Convergence Magazine House Style and Copywriting Tips and Techniques--Aug. 25, 1999.
line This What's New! page added--Aug. 25, 1999.
line Grammar Guides category gets its own page--Aug. 23, 1999.
line Action Writing category added--Aug. 14, 1999.
line Website gets its own domain 6, 1999; deactivated May 2013.
line Words can and do break bones added--April 23, 1999.
line Style and Usage category gets its own page--Jan. 12, 1999.
line Writing Experts category gets its own page--Dec. 27, 1998. Deactivated July 20, 2010.
line Words category gets its own page--Dec. 6, 1998.
line Favorite Writers category added, in association with 15, 1998.
line Plain Language category added--Nov. 14, 1998.
line ListBot (defunct) added to Home Page--Oct. 7, 1998.
line Writing Bookshelf category added, in association with 5, 1998.
line Reference Sources category gets its own page, March 2, 1998.
line Word Play category gets its own page--January 1998.
line Garbl's Writing Resources Online goes online at 1, 1997.

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Created and maintained by Gary B. Larson of Port Townsend, Washington,

Updated Nov. 12, 2021.