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Organizing your ideas
Clear, organized thinking produces clear, logical
writing. Choose the information to include and to
leave out. Cut points and information not clearly
relevant to the program or project. Cutting
nonessential information will also save time for
you, your reviewers and editors, your readers, and
people or vendors translating your document into
another language. Ask yourself, "Do I really
need to say this?"
Divide your information into main and secondary
points. Organize your information so it flows
logically from your reader's point of view.
Organize your material so your readers can extract
what they want in the shortest possible time.
Anticipate answers to reader questions: So what?
How does this affect me?
Usually, make your main point easy to
find--at the beginning of your document. Tell
your readers early: what your conclusion is, what
you want them to do, or whatever your main purpose
is for your document. By getting the most important
information upfront, your readers can find what is
important to them and then decide how much more
detail they want.
Organize the rest of your document into sections of
related information. Break the document into
manageable chunks of information--its various
topics and subtopics. Those sections can range from
a single paragraph to several pages of short
Try to start each section with its main
point. Help your readers move from section to
section with headings and subheadings about the
content in each section or block of related
Consider the format in which your document will
be published. Will it be a brochure with blocks
of information contained within one panel or on the
back panel? Will it be a website in which less
important information can be provided on lower-level
pages? Will certain details need to be highlighted
in a sidebar article or box of text in a newsletter
or on a web page? Could some information be
clearer in a table, chart or graph--or as a
photograph or illustration? Creation of those
graphics may need to begin while you're writing
the document.
Here's a useful way to organize most documents:
Message. First, summarize the most
important question or issue of interest to your
readers. Give the punch line--your major
conclusions. And tell your readers quickly and
clearly what follows. State it briefly in a
Subject line, or give it a clear heading:
Summary (not Introduction). Provide
background information later in the document.
Action. Second, recommend what your
readers should do with your message--the
follow-up actions they should take. Or tell your
readers what your organization is going to do
Details. Third, give the necessary
details, omitting the obvious information. Answer
your readers' probable how and why questions.
And give the relevant who, what, where, when and
how much information--if you didn't include
those details in the opening summary message or
action statement.
Evidence. Fourth, add optional material,
enclosures or attachments to support your
conclusions, recommendations and details.
Within the details, try to organize your information
in a consistent way, such as one of the following or
a logical combination of these approaches:
most important to least important -- an
"inverted pyramid" of information;
possibly the most direct,
reader-friendly approach for all types of
information and documents.
seven questions -- What? your essential message.
Who? people concerned. When? days, hours,
timelines, deadlines. Where? places. How?
circumstances, explanations. Why? causes,
objectives. How much? calculable and measurable
problem - cause - solution.
chronological order.
questions and answers.
general to specific.
specific to general.
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