About Me,
Gary B. Larson

Garbl’s Writing Center

Welcome to Garbl’s Writing Center!
Launched in 1997 as Garbl’s Writing Resources Online, this website now provides these free writing
Read more below about each writing tool.
I hope you find my writing website useful, bookmark your favorite pages in your web
browser, link to it from your website, and tell your family, friends, colleagues, students and fellow writers about it--
Gary B. Larson, Port Townsend, Washington, United States.
and the English Language": "The great enemy of clear language is insincerity. When there is a gap
between one’s real and one’s declared aims, one turns as it were instinctively to long words and exhausted idioms,
like a cuttlefish squirting out ink"--George Orwell, Horizon, April 1946.
If you don’t like the limited political content here, please look elsewhere for free writing
This free style guide gives writing and editing advice about abbreviations, addresses,
capitalization, English grammar, numbers, organization terminology, plurals, possessives, punctuation, spelling, word usage,
and the World Wide Web.
A | B | C | D | E | F G | H |
I J | K L | M |
N O | P | Q R |
S | T U | V W X Y Z
A seven-step approach to writing clearly and concisely to meet the needs of your readers. Also called
plain English, plain language matches the needs of your readers with your needs as a writer, leading to effective,
efficient communication.
This free writing guide gives alternatives to overstated, pompous words; wordy,
bureaucratic phrases; and verbose, sometimes amusing, redundant phrases.
Words can and do break bones: personal commentary on the
misuse of language, April 24, 1999; updated Sept. 17, 2001.
An annotated list of books on writing and editing that I use
and recommend. Book categories: grammar and punctuation, concise writing and plain language/plain English, style, usage, dictionaries and thesauruses, writing and editing, business and technical writing, creativity, quotations, and Amazon.com’s best-selling writing references.
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Copyright 2024. Garbl’s Writing Center created and maintained by Gary B.
Larson of Port Townsend, Washington, garbltoo@gmail.com. Please understand that if I respond to your questions about
writing, I may not respond quickly enough to meet your deadline. (If you’re wondering, I’ve
never been a cartoonist.)
This page updated July 1, 2024. Whatever their acclaim and position, all writers need editors. I
don’t have one for Garbl’s Writing Center, so if you spot a typo, unclear message, possible error, or bad link,
please let me know.
Other websites are welcome to link to Garbl’s Writing Center--or to any of its pages. Please let me
know if you do. Thanks!
Except for selected books on the Writing Bookshelf pages, website listings do not signify endorsements
of fee-based services, products or programs.
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